Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God | January 1

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Heavenly Father, You blessed the Virgin Mary with the fullness of grace. She is my model of faith, hope, and love. I give this new year to her intercession and ask for her holy prayers. Place my needs into the protection of her motherly love. With her help, I want my faith to grow. Give me an increase in the virtue of hope when troubles tempt me to despair. Guide me in understanding Your infinite love. And join my heart, dear Lord, to the Holy Mother's Immaculate Heart, so that I may improve in loving everyone unconditionally, in imitation of my Savior, Jesus.


The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is a Christian feast day that celebrates the role of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as the Mother of God. This feast day is observed on January 1st in the Roman Catholic Church and some Eastern Orthodox churches.

The feast of Mary, Mother of God commemorates the doctrine of the Incarnation, which teaches that Jesus, the Son of God, became fully human and fully divine in the womb of Mary. As such, Mary is considered the Mother of God, and is venerated as a saint and a model of faith and obedience.

On this feast day, Catholics and Orthodox Christians typically attend Mass and offer prayers and devotions to Mary. Some may also participate in special Marian devotions or processions, or visit Marian shrines.The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is an important feast day in the liturgical calendar and is a time for Catholics and Orthodox Christians to honor Mary and celebrate her role as the Mother of God.
